2011年04月共有 252 个网站收录信息详细列表

  • [服装鞋祙] 邦购 (2327)


    http://www.banggo.com - 收藏 2
  • [服装鞋帽] Meters/b (2527)


    http://corp.metersbonwe.com - 收藏 2
  • [奢侈品] Louis (5767)

    [简述]:自1854年以来,代代相传至今的路易威登,以卓越品质、杰出创意和精湛工艺成为时尚旅行艺术的象征。产品包括手提包,旅行用品,小型皮具,配饰,鞋履,成衣,腕表,高级珠宝及个性化订制服务等Always leading the a*ant-garde of fashion without compromising traditional craftsmanship of luxury leather goods, Louis Vuitton is also active in ready-to-wear, shoes, watches and jewelry.

    https://www.louisvuitton.cn - 收藏 4
  • [服装鞋帽] Triumph( (2457)

    [简述]:UK.Manufacturers of women's underwear, lingerie, sports bras, swimwear and night clothes. Garment care and wearing tips. Requires Shockwa*e.

    http://www.triumph.com - 收藏 0
  • [服装鞋帽] T.B2韩国牛仔 (3189)


    - 收藏 0
  • [服装鞋帽] SISLEY(希 (3568)

    [简述]:Manufactures cosmetics, hair care products, and perfumes. Also includes beauty tips and products for men.

    http://www.sisley.com.cn - 收藏 1
  • [服装鞋帽] Reebok(锐 (3229)

    [简述]:Reebok品牌既适合场上穿着也适合场下穿着。选购 Reebok鞋类、服饰和其他与运动相关的产品。

    https://www.reebok.com - 收藏 1
  • [服装鞋帽] Ralph (2984)

    [简述]:RalphLauren.com - The Official Site of Ralph Lauren. RalphLauren.com offers the world of Ralph Lauren, including clothing for men, women and children, bedding and bath luxuries, gifts and much more.

    https://www.ralphlauren.cn - 收藏 3
  • [服装鞋帽] ONLY (2391)

    [简述]:ONLY是欧洲著名的时装公司丹麦BESTSELLER拥有的四个著名品牌之*。ONLY为所有生活在世界各大都市的独立、自由、追求时尚和品质敏感的现代女性设计。ONLY女性是20岁左右的女孩,她们乐于拥有独特的个 性,ONLY为她们带来了年轻、活力,有趣的生活方式。

    http://www.only.com - 收藏 0
  • [食饮茶酒] 雪津啤酒(Sed 【未审核】 (3699)


    - 收藏 0