2011年11月共有 202 个网站收录信息详细列表

  • [区域组织] 世界气象组织(W (3710)


    https://public.wmo.int - 收藏 0
  • [区域组织] ILI国际法研究 (3315)

    [简述]:A private, not-for-profit organization that conducts scholarly research, publishing, and practical legal training and technical assistance on many aspects of international legal and economic policy and practice.

    http://www.ili.org - 收藏 0
  • [区域组织] iso国际标准化 (3496)

    [简述]:ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.

    http://www.iso.org - 收藏 1
  • [区域组织] Olympic国 (3280)

    [简述]:Official source of Olympic Games sports, countries, results, medals, schedule, athlete bios, teams, news, photos, videos for Summer and Winter Olympics.

    http://www.olympic.org - 收藏 4
  • [区域组织] ITU(国际电联 (4694)

    [简述]:国际电联 (国际电信联盟) 是主管信息通信技术事务ICT)的联合国机构。我们划分全球的无线电频谱和卫星轨道,制定技术标准以确保网络和技术的无缝互联,并努力为世界欠发达社区提供ICT接入。

    http://www.itu.int - 收藏 0
  • [区域组织] ISO(国际IS (2610)

    [简述]:Provides information, products, and services related to property and liability risk. Products include Claims Output Advisor, Netmap, and ClaimsSearch.

    http://www.iso.com - 收藏 0
  • [区域组织] ICPO国际刑警 (4944)


    http://www.interpol.int - 收藏 0
  • [区域组织] imo国际海事组 (3733)

    [简述]:IMO is closely monitoring the situation in cooperation with other United Nations agencies ...

    https://www.imo.org - 收藏 1
  • [区域组织] IAEA国际原子 (2835)

    [简述]:The Nuclear Safety Culture: Strengthening Safety at Nuclear Installations.

    http://www.iaea.org - 收藏 1
  • [区域组织] IEA国际能源理 (3179)

    [简述]:The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond.

    http://www.iea.org - 收藏 1
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