与national查询只提供 32 个网站参考!
[区域组织] Children国际 (3532)
[简述]:Children International, a non-profit children's*ganization, helps fight poverty* helps needy children through our child sponsorship programs.
http://www.children.org 权重0 -
[区域组织] icrc国际红十字会 (3520)
[简述]:The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral* independent*ganization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives* dignity of victims of armed conflict* other situations of violence* to provide them with assistance.
http://www.icrc.org 权重1 -
[区域组织] ILA国际法协会 (3503)
[简述]:The International Law Association has branches around the world* a growing membership of academics* practising professionals with an interest in international law.国际法协会International Law Association)成立于1875年,总部设在伦敦,现在包括50个国家分支机构和1个执行理事,主席是哈德利的Slynn勋爵阁下。国际法协会的宗旨是研究、诠释和促进国际公法和国际私法;研究比较法律;提出解决法律冲突的办法;统一法律并促进国际理解和善意。
http://www.ila-hq.org 权重0 -
[区域组织] iso国际标准化组织 (3468)
[简述]:ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer* publisher of International Standards.
http://www.iso.org 权重1 -
[区域组织] Now全国妇女组织 (3417)
[简述]:The National Organization for Women (NOW): Taking action for women's equality since 1966. News from NOW: stories about women* feminism, action alerts,* more.美国全国妇女组织National Organization for Women)于1966年10月在华盛顿成立,是一个社会联系面较广的全国性妇女组织,在美国影响较大。《女性的奥秘》一书的作者贝蒂· 弗莱顿为该组织第*任主席。该组织政治意见倾向于民主党。 该组织每年召开一次年会,年会也是高*领*机构。年会下设全国委员会,由32名委员组成。日常工作由主席、2名副主席、秘书、财务5名全国*领*人主持。每两年改选一次*领*成员。总部在华盛顿。在美国有几十个全国性妇女组织是它的团体会员。
http://www.now.org 权重0