与organi查询只提供 19 个网站参考!
[区域组织] iso国际标准化组织 (3468)
[简述]:ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer* publisher of International Standards.
http://www.iso.org 权重1 -
[区域组织] Now全国妇女组织 (3427)
[简述]:The National Organization for Women (NOW): Taking action for women's equality since 1966. News from NOW: stories about women* feminism, action alerts,* more.美国全国妇女组织National Organization for Women)于1966年10月在华盛顿成立,是一个社会联系面较广的全国性妇女组织,在美国影响较大。《女性的奥秘》一书的作者贝蒂· 弗莱顿为该组织第*任主席。该组织政治意见倾向于民主党。 该组织每年召开一次年会,年会也是高*领*机构。年会下设全国委员会,由32名委员组成。日常工作由主席、2名副主席、秘书、财务5名全国*领*人主持。每两年改选一次*领*成员。总部在华盛顿。在美国有几十个全国性妇女组织是它的团体会员。
http://www.now.org 权重0 -
[区域组织] unwto世界旅游组 (3285)
[简述]:The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO/OMT) is a specialized agency of the United ?Nations* the leading international*ganization in the field of tourism. It serves as a ?global forum for tourism policy issues* a practical source of tourism know-how.?
https://www.unwto.org 权重1 -
[区域组织] oecd国际经合组织 (3238)
[简述]:Welcome to the OECD, an international*ganisation helping governments tackle the economic, social* governance challenges of a globalised economy.
http://www.oecd.org 权重1 -
[区域组织] icao国际民事航行 (3180)
[简述]:International Civil Aviation Day was established in 1994 by ICAO, through Assembly Resolution A29-1, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Organization, created on 7 December 1944.
http://www.icao.int 权重1 -
[区域组织] ico国际咖啡组织 (3044)
[简述]:The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is the main intergovernmental*ganization for coffee, bringing together exporting* importing Governments to tackle the challenges facing the world coffee sector through international cooperation.国际咖啡组织的成立是基于咖啡在经济上有不可替代的重要性。咖啡是世界上贸易量*大的商品之*,全球有五十个国家生产咖啡,年产量达一百万袋,咖啡业的发展为全世界一亿人口提供了就业机会。许多咖啡生产国对咖啡业的依赖十分严重,他们出口收入的80%来自于此。国际咖啡组织出口成员国的咖啡产量占全球总产量的97%以上。而在年零售额超过500亿美元的世界咖啡消费市场上,国际咖啡组织进口成员国的咖啡消费量占65%。国际咖啡组织中参加事物讨论的既有发展中国家也有发达国家,成员国依据一致的准则行事,以*那些对咖啡业有深远影响的重要和敏感措施能得到广泛的认可和支持。
http://www.ico.org 权重0 -
[区域组织] wipo世界知识产权 (2915)
[简述]:WIPO, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) homepage, entry point for information about industrial property* copyright.
http://www.wipo.int 权重1