- 浏览次数3174
- PR值8
- Alexa排名170832
- 收录时间2011-11-15
- 点出次数119
- 百度权重1
- 网站状态0
- 更新日期2024-11-02
- 网站名称:icj国际法庭
- 网站地址:www.icj-cij.org
- 目录类别: 区域组织
- 分类位置: » 综合其他 » 机构 » 区域组织
- 服务器IP:
- 网站标签:icj, 国际法庭, international court of justice, [点更新]
- 网站描述:The International Court of Justice was established by the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that all Member States of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Court's Statute.
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