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asia查询只提供 14 个网站参考!

  • [航空] 亚洲航空-亚航中文官 (40264)

    [简述]:*航空*站 ,*航空(airasia.com)-世界*低成本航空公司,飞往22个国家和地区,抵达全球86个目的地。登陆亚航中文*,查询国际飞机航班,预订亚航机票,现在亚航让人人都能飞!亚航网上购机票,亚航国际机票预订,亚航飞机航班查询

    https://www.airasia.cn 权重2
  • [交友综合] 亚洲交友中心 (8318)

    [简述]:Asia Friendfinder*单身男女和个人在*的*交友网站。认识单身的亚裔男子和女性。马上寻找您的如意郎君或美丽的亚裔新娘。

    http://www.asiafriends.com.cn 权重1
  • [新闻综合] AsiaOne (7832)

    [简述]:*网AsiaOne - AsiaOne is a free access Asia\'s leading news portal delivers the latest breaking news* top stories updates in Singapore, Asia Pacific* other parts of the World.

    https://asiaone.co.in 权重0
  • [设计综合] 亚洲ci网 (6687)

    [简述]:*ci网(AsiaCI) - 企业品牌经营人及品牌设计创意人交流互动平台 - Discuz! Board

    http://www.asiaci.com 权重1
  • [外资银行] 亚投行 (4660)

    [简述]:*基础设施投资银行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ,简称亚投行,AIIB)是一个政府间性质的*区域多边开发机构,重点支持基础设施建设,成立宗旨在促进*区域的建设互联互通化和经济一体化的进程,并且加强中国及其他*国家和地区的合作。总部设在北京。亚投行法定资本1000亿美元。

    https://www.aiib.org 权重2
  • [动物相关] ANIMALS (3826)

    [简述]:Hong Kong-based charity dedicated to ending cruelty* restoring respect for all animals in Asia.

    http://www.animalsasia.org 权重0
  • [户外装备] 亚洲户外展 (3746)


    http://www.asian-outdoor.com 权重0
  • [自然科学] Nature (3449)

    [简述]:Nature Publishing Group will be familiar to scientists* those interested in science in the Asia-Pacific region as a publisher of high impact scientific* medical information in print* online. NPG publishes journals, online databases,* services across the life, physical, chemical* *lied sciences* clinical medicine. Throughout all its businesses NPG is dedicated to serving the scientific community* the wider scientifically interested general public.

    http://www.natureasia.com 权重0
  • [新闻综合] 美通社 (3438)


    http://www.prnasia.com 权重3
  • [区域组织] 东南亚国家联盟 (3434)

    [简述]:ASEAN, ASEAN Secretariat, Brunei, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Kamboja, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Vietnam, ASEAN Community, regional, southeast asia, south east asia, asia, jakarta.

    http://www.aseansec.org 权重0
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