computer查询只提供 11 个网站参考!

  • [数码家电] SAMSUNG (5311)

    [简述]:Imagine what Samsung can do for you! You'll find product* support information for our TVs, mobile phones, video *amp; audios, computers* related products, various home *liance products. 权重7
  • [数码家电] Panasonic (3984)

    [简述]:松下公司是一个跨国性公司,在全世界设有230多家公司,员工总数超过290,493人。其中在中国有54,000多人。2001年全年的销售总额为610多亿美元,为世界制造业500强的第26位。Panasonic中文松下早期叫National,1986年开始逐步更改为Panasonic,2008.10.1日起全部统一为Panasonic)由日本松下电器产业株式会社自1918年松下幸之助创业,发展品牌产品涉及家电、数码视听电子、办公产品、航空等诸多领域而享誉全球;该企业品牌跃入《世界品牌500强》排行榜。松下于2012年10月31日宣布2012财年(2012年4月~2013年3月)的合并终损益按照美国会计标准)预期从500亿日元下调为7650亿日元,Compare* purchase electronics including plasma TVs, DVD players, digital cameras* more. 权重1
  • [数码家电] Dell(戴尔) (3784)

    [简述]:From personal computing to small, medium* large business, Dell solutions come fully stocked. Find your solutions with Dell laptops, desktops, monitors, printers* computer accessories. 权重5
  • [数码家电] sony官网 (3742)

    [简述]:Sony: Believe that anything you imagine, you can make real.索尼公司是世界上民用及专业视听产品、游戏产品、通信产品核心部件和信息技术等领域的先导之*。它在音乐、影视、电脑娱乐以及业务方面的成就也使其成为全球*先的电子和娱乐公司 权重2
  • [硬件评测] CNET (3516)

    [简述]:CNET Reviews is your home for the best unbiased reviews of computers, digital cameras, cell phones,* more. At CNET, we pride ourselves on delivering the best consumer reviews of technology products on the Web. 权重0
  • [驱动程序] (3465)

    [简述]:Automobile drivers* computer device drivers. We ha*e info on driving, automotive technology, jobs, licensing, training, enforcement, drivers for modems, printers, scanners wireless devices, etc. 权重0
  • [数码家电] Toshiba(东芝 (3442)

    [简述]:Toshiba U.S. products, services* support information. 权重1
  • [数码家电] Diamond(帝盟 (3240)

    [简述]:Buy the best Video Cards, ATI Video Card, ATI Graphics Cards, Radeon, PCI Video Card, AGP Video Cards, PCI Express x16 Video Cards*PCI Express x16 Graphic Cards, PCI Graphics Cards,AGP Graphics Cards,Vista Graphic Card. 权重0
  • [数码家电] Seagate(希捷 (3060)

    [简述]:From hard drives that power your*ganization's success to secure computer storage solutions, Seagate is the answer. Discover the computer hard drive* storage solutions your business needs to protect data, maximize efficiency* lead the industry. 权重3
  • [IT资讯] Computer (2823)

    [简述]:Computerworld, the 'Voice of IT Management' is your leading information source for coverage laptops, desktops, softwares, hardwares, security, networking* storage. 权重0
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