与server查询只提供 16 个网站参考!
[数码家电] 金士顿官网 (5180)
[简述]:Kingston is the worlds leading supplier of memory upgrades for servers, workstations, printers, laptops, notebooks, pda, mp3 players* more. We support Apple, Compaq, Dell, HP, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sony, Toshiba, Zenith systems.金士顿科技,成立于1987年,总部位于美国加州芳泉谷,金士顿在全球拥有超过2400名员工。被美国财富杂志评为“美国适宜工作的公司
https://www.kingston.com 权重1 -
[软件资讯] vmware (4877)
[简述]:VMware是全球台式电脑及资料中心虚拟化解决方案的*领*厂商。VMware virtualizes computing, from the data center to the cloud to mobile devices, to help our customers be more agile, responsive,* profitable.
https://www.vmware.com 权重4 -
[数码家电] Intel(英特尔) (4218)
[简述]:Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops processor technologies* supports global initiatives to continually advance how people work* live.
https://www.intel.cn 权重5 -
[数码家电] Hitachi(日立 (3555)
[简述]:Hitachi's diversity is a result of its policy of responding to society's changing needs by entering new product areas while keeping existing divisions active.
http://www.hitachi.com 权重1 -
[LINUX/UNIX] redhat.com (3366)
[简述]:Red Hat is the world's leading open source technology solutions provider with offerings including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, open source *lications, security* systems management, virtualization, Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions.
http://www.redhat.com 权重2