与torage查询只提供 5 个网站参考!
[数码家电] Hitachi(日立 (3671)
[简述]:Hitachi's diversity is a result of its policy of responding to society's changing needs by entering new product areas while keeping existing divisions active.
http://www.hitachi.com 权重1 -
[数码家电] 承启科技 (3260)
[简述]:The Chaintech Computer Corporation was founded in November of 1986* introduced its own motherboards* video cards into the computer hardware market.承启科技创立于1986年,结合雄厚的研发团队以及对产品「高品质」及「国际水平」的要求,承启科技在全球主机板和显示卡市场占有一席之地,多年来也深受国际各大媒体及消费者肯定,在主机板与显示卡事业发展到达稳定阶段,承启于2001年跨入多媒体产品领域.
http://www.chaintech.com.tw 权重0 -
[数码家电] Seagate(希捷 (3166)
[简述]:From hard drives that power your*ganization's success to secure computer storage solutions, Seagate is the answer. Discover the computer hard drive* storage solutions your business needs to protect data, maximize efficiency* lead the industry.
http://www.seagate.com 权重2
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