与video查询只提供 24 个网站参考!
[数码家电] SAMSUNG (6113)
[简述]:Imagine what Samsung can do for you! You'll find product* support information for our TVs, mobile phones, video *amp; audios, computers* related products, various home *liance products.
http://www.samsung.com 权重4 -
[视频播客] GameTraile
[简述]:Watch new video game trailers, read reviews* previews of upcoming video games at GameTrailers.com. Video game demos, online gameplay, game cheats* view movies* media on the GameTrailers website.GameTrailers是国外高清视频网站。它专门为TVGAME提供上传游戏视频相关的内容。它为用户的视频提供了原创游戏视频的版权归属需审查和预览)和游戏官方提供的游戏预告片和记录片。而且为游戏视频剪辑提供高清晰度HD 1280x720 )以及标准清晰度SD 480x360 )的画面解析度。
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