Nature 认领 - 删除-报错-举报 - 收藏
- 3576浏览次数
- 8PR值
- 101560Alexa排名
- 0百度权重
- 200网站状态
- 170点出次数
- 2015-09-05收录时间
- 2024-10-31更新日期
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- 网站分类: 自然科学
- 网站标签:nature publishing group - 自然 - nature - 自然中文版 - 自然杂志中文版 -
- 网站描述:Nature Publishing Group will be familiar to scientists* those interested in science in the Asia-Pacific region as a publisher of high impact scientific* medical information in print* online. NPG publishes journals, online databases,* services across the life, physical, chemical* *lied sciences* clinical medicine. Throughout all its businesses NPG is dedicated to serving the scientific community* the wider scientifically interested general public.
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