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与帆布鞋相关的网站收录只提供 3个网站供参考!(按网址百度权重排序 更换按PR值排序)

  • Converse中国官网

    [服装鞋祙] Converse中国官网

    [标签]:匡威, converse, 匡威中国, converse中国, 匡威中国, converse中国, 匡威, converse-中国官方商城-帆布鞋-匡威帆布鞋

    [简述]:CONVERSE匡威中国*站converse:美国著名帆布鞋品牌,辉煌历史创于1908年,代表永恒不灭的原创力。CONVERSE匡威设计并制造鞋类,男装,女装,配饰 。Chuck Taylor All Star, Star Chevron, Jack Purcell和One Star是CONVERSE匡威引以为傲的四大经典. 它们在音乐,体育,艺术和潮流历史上具有无可替代的地位。

    http://www.converse.com.cn - 收藏
    百度权重: 2
  • Converse匡威官网

    [服装鞋帽] Converse匡威官网

    [标签]:converse, 匡威网, 匡威, 匡威帆布鞋, 匡威论谈, 匡威站,

    [简述]:Converse(converse.com) - Converse is Sneakers. And Converse is Change. We started on the court* got adopted on the street. We began as a rubber company to make sneakers* boots,* then we found basketball* reinvented the sport. The Converse Chuck Taylor All Star sneaker became the court sneaker; it stood for the game. From there we moved into other sports with new sneaker silhouettes like the Pro Leather, the Star Player,* the Weapon. The Star Chevron showed up* became another Converse symbol. And just when we seemed to be destined for athletes only – something h*ened. Converse sneakers showed up in rock clubs, on the streets, on r*ers, on icons, on rebels**iginals. It became the sneaker of choice for individuals. From All Star to Jack Purcell to CONS, Converse doesn’t confine itself to one style* definition. Be who you want to be in Converse sneakers* clothes. An artist, rebel, r*er, thinker, gamer, skater, smoke jumper, freelance dentist, whatever. If you’re wearing Converse, you know who you are.

    https://www.converse.com.cn - 收藏
    百度权重: 2
  • 淘鞋网

    [服装鞋祙] 淘鞋网 网址无法访问

    [标签]:淘鞋, 购鞋网, 品牌鞋子, 国际名鞋, 品牌名鞋, 运动鞋, 帆布鞋, 皮鞋-板鞋

    [简述]:淘鞋网 中国*先的正品鞋网上好乐淘买鞋购鞋网站 。只卖正品,全场包*。销售耐克、阿迪达斯、匡威、李宁 等鞋企官方授权的各类正品品牌鞋子、靴子 。淘喜欢的鞋,尽在淘鞋网!并推荐买鞋子哪个网站好?

    (网址无法访问!) - 收藏
    百度权重: 0
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