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  • goldvish

    [手机综合] goldvish

    [标签]:goldvish geneva, le million, goldvish手机, goldvish豪华手机, goldvish le million,

    [简述]:瑞士GoldVish公司,专注于做奢侈通讯工具,是一家引领手机革命的前卫公司。Goldvish手机由Emmanuel Gueit设计2006年9月1日举行了一场“Millionaire Faif”展会,现场推出一款超豪华手机。也是世界昂贵手机奢*的手机设备Le MillionPiece Unique,将于在瑞士日内瓦开设第*家门店,用于销售一系列GoldVish手机产品。Goldvish specializes in luxury mobile phones* watches, based in Geneva it strives to deliver the best possible quality products user the best quality parts. Goldvish is the creator of the most expensive phone to be produced costing a cool 1 million* with that holds the Guinessbook world record for the most expensive mobile phone to ever be producted, only 3 where ever created to underline its exclusivity

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