与audio查询只提供 6 个网站参考!
[数码家电] SAMSUNG (6115)
[简述]:Imagine what Samsung can do for you! You'll find product* support information for our TVs, mobile phones, video *amp; audios, computers* related products, various home *liance products.
http://www.samsung.com 权重4 -
[数码家电] Hitachi(日立 (3689)
[简述]:Hitachi's diversity is a result of its policy of responding to society's changing needs by entering new product areas while keeping existing divisions active.
http://www.hitachi.com 权重1 -
[装机软件] KMPlayer (3658)
[简述]:Directshow based all in one player written by delphi from scratch.
http://www.kmplayer.com 权重3 -
[数码家电] sennheiser (3456)
[简述]:森海塞尔*Sennheiser Worldwide - microphones, headsets, Wireless, Headphones, Audiology, Audio, Conference, a*iation, Broadcast, Equipment, Communication Systems.
https://zh-cn.sennheiser.com 权重2 -
[数码家电] Cowon (3200)
[简述]:Korean company specializing in digital audio, video* voice hardware* software,* wireless internet business.iAUDIO品牌属于韩国COWON Systems,Inc.所有。 COWON 公司自1995年4月在韩国成立以来,一直致力于软件开发及多媒体随身视听产品的研发和生产。产品有:MP3/PMP、以及DMB、汽车导航器、数据通信装置。数字服务及商务解决方案:无线电传播及因特网多媒体内容服务RBT, MOD, VOD, Live Bell, etc)服务解决方案VM Portal Server, Additional,Handset Server, Multimedia Server, etc)。JetAudio 多媒体播放软件.
http://www.cowonglobal.com 权重1
COWON 中国*站(三奇承信):http://iaudio/ -
[数码家电] Megastar(皇 (2936)
[简述]:Megastar is a broad-line electronic component stocking distributor offering a full service to assist you with all your procurement needs. Megastar's uniqueness lies in our ability to work in partnership with our customers* offer customized solutions.
http://www.megastar.com 权重0