watch查询只提供 7 个网站参考!

  • [钟表眼镜] 劳力士官网 (5440)

    [简述]:Rolex劳力士*牌腕表都是*科技与精湛工艺的结晶。 请于劳力士*站rolex,选择您喜爱的劳力士手表与就近的特约零售商。Rolex is world-famous for its performance* reliability. Discover Rolex luxury watches on the Official Rolex Website. 权重1
  • [钟表眼镜] 宝玑 (4726)

    [简述]:宝玑Breguet)品牌创立于1775年,距今已有240年的历史。从18世纪开始,宝玑品牌一直致力于为皇室成员以及各个领域的杰出人物提供作品和服务。Montres Breguet : Site officiel de la manufacture horlogère suisse. D*couvrez nos prestigieuses collections de montres de luxe et de haute joaillerie 权重1
  • [钟表眼镜] 帝陀_tudor (4424)

    [简述]:Tudor帝舵,意为英国的都铎王朝1485-1603),那是英国历史上辉煌的时代之*,后一任君主是女王伊丽莎白一世,声誉显赫。Tudor帝舵的中文名被译为“帝舵,从而也就有了十足的王者气派。Available in a wide range of sizes* with numerous choices of dials, s*hire crystal* mechanical movements, the superbly crafted TUDOR watches are in a class of their own. 权重1
  • [钟表眼镜] 华为智能手表官网 (4245)

    [简述]:华为发布第二代华为智能手表上市。具有腕上导航、支付宝离线支付、微信、监测心率等强大功能。 权重1
  • [钟表眼镜] Swatch(斯沃琪 (4156)

    [简述]:Official Swatch site: browse the latest Swatch collections of Swatch Originals, Irony, Skin, Flik Flak,* Swatch Bijoux (jewellery). Buy watches online in our Swatch store.斯沃琪是瑞士制造”的时尚腕表品牌,是体现你独特品味的手腕上的时装。 权重0
  • [数码家电] CASIO(卡西欧) (2600)

    [简述]:Casio America, Inc., Dover, N.J., is the U.S. subsidiary of Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics* business equipment solutions, established in 1957. 权重1
  • [LINUX/UNIX] DistroWatc (429)

    [简述]:DistroWatch是个 Linux 网站,最新发布的各种 Linux 发行版的更新信息. 权重0
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