- 浏览次数3646
- PR值8
- Alexa排名47660
- 百度权重1
- 搜狗评级5
- 网站状态301
- 点出次数286
- 收录时间2011-11-23
- 更新日期2025-01-14
![UNODC联合国药品管制署 UNODC联合国药品管制署](/wangzhitupian/201500/
- 网站名称:UNODC联合国药品管制署 认领 - 删除 - 报错 - 举报 - 收藏
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- 网站分类: 区域组织
- 分类位置: » 综合其他 » 机构 » 区域组织
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- 关键词:unodc, 联合国药品管制署, united nations office on drugs and ,
- 网站描述:UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs* international crime. Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme* the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices. UNODC relies on voluntary contributions, mainly from Governments, for 90 per cent of its budget.
- 提 交:unodc
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